Recent content by mosu

  1. M

    Google Accuses Microsoft, Nokia of Patent Conspiracy

    Wasn't it obvious?Shame on Nokia, I was expecting this from MSFT.
  2. M

    iBamboo Speaker Amplifies Sound Without Using Electricity

    Beat me to the point. Russian upgrade made in China, interesting....
  3. M

    Samsung Says that There Will be a 7.85-inch iPad

    what about resolution?
  4. M

    IBM Patents Predator Identification

    and now remove the "child" element of this patent and you obtain a plain surveillance tool.It's the kind of stuff big corporations produce, not curious about implementation.
  5. M

    Holiday Gift Guide: Laptops and Ultrabooks

    I liked the blonde girl too, the rest didn't matter
  6. M

    Mark Zuckerberg Surpasses Google Founders in Wealth

    That's only because people like bragging..
  7. M

    Microsoft Exec Outed Over Nokia Tweets

    What is new about Microsoft and WP7,WP7.5 and so on?Mr Marini stated the obvious and makes that official so he had to go.On a side note, quite a strong relation between Nokia and Microsoft, because after all he was critical about the hardware...
  8. M

    HP Splitting webOS from Palm Hardware

    A neverendingstory of stupid moves from HP's management.Next move should be lighting the grim future, somehow...
  9. M

    U.S. Presents Cyber Defense Strategy

    why should we care?
  10. M

    Google Wants Nevada to OK Driverless Cars

    never heard of drunk computer driving
  11. M

    Sony Details SOE Compensation Package

    Sony, please make one more move on GeoHot or anyone else and then wonder why!
  12. M

    Complete Zeus Trojan Source Code Leaked

    Yes, this is it
  13. M

    Best Buy Refusing iPad 2 Sales on Purpose

    Bad, bad Best Buy!..This is not news, just an other reason to talk about Apple products. Shame on you both(K. Pa. and Best Buy)