Recent content by nelson_nel

  1. N

    Wii-playing Drug Cops Receive Slap on Wrist

    jonpaul37nelson_nel, quit being a dick-hole, you should be banned from this site Fucking TROLL!!! Wah! Sorry I'm not a pseudo-intellectual like yourself ;)
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    Wii-playing Drug Cops Receive Slap on Wrist

    nelson_nel less ads, way more reliable reviews, their benchmarks aren't always being called into question.And tech news is actually tech-related and not based on what the editors like to write about. Done with Wii-Apple city.See ya there. Still ... a week...
  3. N

    Britney Spears Targeted by Satanic Hacker Way less ads, way more reliable reviews, their benchmarks aren't always being called into question. And tech news is actually tech-related and not based on what the editors like to write about. Done with Wii-Apple city. See ya there.
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    Wii-playing Drug Cops Receive Slap on Wrist Way less ads, way more reliable reviews, their benchmarks aren't always being called into question. And tech news is actually tech-related and not based on what the editors like to write about. Done with Wii-Apple city. See ya there. Enjoy your one week ban.
  5. N

    Fun Computing with Windows 7

    theuerkornSeriously, Vista had problems but wasn't as bad as it seems now. Nor was it as good as it was hyped when released. (Then again Vista x64 is usable, while XP x64 had lots of backwards compatibility issues.) So now there is Windows 7 (which by the way is really difficult to put...
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    Fun Computing with Windows 7

    mitch074Well, I'm not using wiggly windows, I'm not even using the cube; but I enjoy having different workspaces, modal dialogs that appear on the proper screen when they pop (proper being the one where the app is running, not "monitor 1"), windows that don't redraw their content when they move...
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    Report: 1 Million Xbox Users Banned for Piracy

    PrinceofdreamsPeople thinking M$ will regain the money lost need to think again. The 360 is sold at a loss, they make their money from the commission they charge to game publishers for it being placed on the 360 (Some $10 I believe)coupled with the money from add on equipment and from the xbox...
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    Report: 1 Million Xbox Users Banned for Piracy

    SimplePeople+2...My IQ had to go down quite a few points to understand CChick's and Nelson's random and idiotic rants...and for what reason would that have been? Feel better guys that you just proved to be the E-Tough guys of the article? You guys can go march with the RIAA and the like in their...
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    Report: 1 Million Xbox Users Banned for Piracy

    madhumper69Hate consoles rather play the games on a PC, They come out with new consoles every so often and its annoying to spend more money on all items needed, gotta buy the second controller and a game that doesn't come with your console how lame is that and they wounder why people are modding...
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    Report: 1 Million Xbox Users Banned for Piracy

    rooketApparantly from the posts above people on here want that sort of thing today.What people don't realize is that we do not live in a fascist country. Do you guys remember WWII germany? Oh yes the germans used to (and probably still do I am not sure, their laws are different than ours) take...
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    Report: 1 Million Xbox Users Banned for Piracy

    steiner666THIS JUST IN:Ppl think paying $60 a game is bullshit!Get with the fucking economy M$ idiots! Maybe video games shouldn't exist at all, on PC or otherwise? Is that better? I agree, I hate spending 60 bucks and won't do so without knowing I'm getting a great game. However, if the...
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    Report: 1 Million Xbox Users Banned for Piracy

    necronicAlso, people complaining about prices for consoles need to take a step back and think about it. A computer capable of playing current gen games will cost 3 times as much, at least, and something that cheap won't be able to keep up for more than a couple years at best. A ultra high end...
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    Report: 1 Million Xbox Users Banned for Piracy

    nelson_nelI agree to suck at match in hopes that you may one day realize you suck at LOGIC.Done now. Damnit; I also agree to suck at spelling. Math*
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    Report: 1 Million Xbox Users Banned for Piracy

    rookethow is owning ~ 100 legit video games not buying anything? where did you learn math? Instead of asking where I learned math (you are using imaginary numbers anyways...) and making yourself look even more stupid, why don't you re-read your prior post where you claim you buy as much as...
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    Report: 1 Million Xbox Users Banned for Piracy

    rooketyeah it actually is bad, it makes me buy less stuff in the long run. I was going to subscribe to live again and buy points but now it has left a bad taste and I see no need.and for those who want to say anything about piracy..I buy just as many games for all of my systems as any NORMAL...