Recent content by Nightseer

  1. Nightseer

    I am a '90s baby, but using the Nokia 3210 has smashed my rose-tinted glasses

    Those keyboards were just something you had to get used to. Typing fast in them wasn't an issue once you got used to. But it is one thing that is hard to get back to or get good at again. Which was helped greatly with that being only choice and likely us being younger and thus being faster at...
  2. Nightseer

    120 frames per second is gaming’s future — and something PS5 Pro needs to deliver

    It won't, because it isn't just up to Sony. Because no matter how much more performance you give to developers, if they decide they want to target 60FPS, that is what you will get. Unless Sony makes it requirement. Though this would likely cause too many problems with 120FPS. I still would want...
  3. Nightseer

    I didn’t fear burn-in on my OLED gaming monitor — until I got burned

    Makes me wonder if one used dark mode, or reduced brightness for in Windows use, if burnin could be prevented. Since Inknow TVs reduce brightness on channel logos to prevent burnin. Plus pixel shifting is more efficient if it isn't nice bright static line. Dunno if this monitor uses it. Finally...
  4. Nightseer

    News Don't use PS5 or Xbox Series X for video streaming — here’s why

    Nothing unexpected gete, obviously dedicated streaming device with way weaker processor and less hardware will consumer less power. Though you might be going into other extreme to where quality of stream and all features won't be on pair due to device being way weaker in terms of hardware...
  5. Nightseer

    News New PS5 model available now, but it won't fix the restock disaster

    It is just revision, not even proper new model like PS4 Pro or Slim that came under new name. And those are normal, as manufactures find various tweaks they could do. Even PS4 Pro had revisions, one of more notable being one in which they reduced fan speed a bit, which lowered noise tad bit, bur...
  6. Nightseer

    News Can’t find graphics card stock? Avoid buying second-hand, warns GPU maker

    Yeah, because clearly they have absolutely no financial interest in telling you to buy new cards and are totally doing that out of goodness of their hearths... Jokes aside, screw them. They hiked prices, sold to miners,... now that that market is going away, they are trying to manipulate...
  7. Nightseer

    News I’m not sorry Starfield is an Xbox exclusive — and Bethesda shouldn't be either

    Yeah, no point in complaining. Microsoft owns Bethesda and with their property they can do whatever they want. It isn't like Epic who paid just for exclusivity and beyond that had no involvement. Plus with how carefully they were answering questions about PS releases, it kind of made me doubt...
  8. Nightseer

    News Is using a VPN when gaming safe?

    I actually recommend people using VPN while connecting to some game servers, especially private servers. I can't tell you how many times I heard people playing on some private server, like GTA Online RP servers and got in trouble with someone, just to get DDoS-ed in return. And that especially...
  9. Nightseer

    The best Windows 10 antivirus software in 2021

    Or you can save a lot of money by simply using Windows Defender you got for free with Windows and just get some password manager. Maybe VPN, if you are using public networks and really want to ensure you don't give them any i formation. Though most websites themselves should use HTTPS by now, so...
  10. Nightseer

    News How to build a gaming PC for beginners: What to do if it all goes wrong

    Oh, yeah, joys of choosing Intel, who due to Ryzens dominance in DIY happily ignores "overclocking" features motherboard partners turn on by default and through those shenanigans basically make Itels TDP rating useless. And they do that regardless if CPU can actually handle it. Welcome to...
  11. Nightseer

    How the great graphics card shortage had me panic-buy an Nvidia RTX 3090

    Personally I don't like seeing people giving in and panic buying 3090, because this sends really terrible message to nVidia. That message is basically saying 3080 is too cheap and 3090 is very affordable. Meaning what incentive does nVidia have to not make 4080 1400USD card and 4090 2000USD...
  12. Nightseer

    News Xbox Series X is a better system — but I can’t stop playing PS5

    Power of hardware was never a thing that won generation. It mostly is something people can argue with when they run out of arguments. And as great deal as Game Pass is, it's mostly old games on other platforms. Plus it opens up pretty unique problem of excess, you get all those games, library in...
  13. Nightseer

    News PS5 will run Watch Dogs Legion at 4K with ray-tracing — but there’s a catch

    For Ubisoft, it really looks like they are putting east to advertise graphics way ahead of player experience and hard to do optimizations. Which is a shame. I kind of wish MS and Sony would mandate 60FPS minimum. Be side this move was really done with player experience in mind. But of course...
  14. Nightseer

    News How to build a gaming PC for beginners: All the parts you need

    No offense, but are you pulling off one of those "just buy it" Tom's Hardware pulled off recently and went super well for them? Like RDNA2 is coming soon and Zen3 is coming soon. Unless this is to make Intel and nVidia happy, this guide should really be made after those come out to actually...
  15. Nightseer

    News Xbox Series X pre-order disaster just got even worse — here's how

    To be fair, in recent history there pretty much was no product that wouldn't be out if stock for at least 1 or 2 months. And that was before pandemic. As is, even more people are at home thinking about gaming to pass their free time, so naturally we are seeing unprecedented amount of demand. Now...