Recent content by nined22

  1. N

    Psion Claims "netBook" Trademark; Google Abides

    "In other word, trademarks and copyrights don't matter........ " To me, it's not that they don't matter, it's that this one probably lacks the validity Psion claims. To prove up a case, they'd probably have to show "secondary meaning" and "likelihood of confusion." It's hard to believe they...
  2. N

    Eight out of 10 Households Ready for DTV

    There will be a few of those "idiots," but by and large, I think the politicians and the media grossly underestimate the public. There's a wall of converter boxes 4 1/2 feet tall right inside the front door of the Radio Shack two miles from my house. If those happen to be all sold out when...
  3. N

    Google Execs Threatened With Jail Time for Video

    This not even a case where Google enabled the wrongdoing. Unless I've misread the story, they acted as a repository of the evidence, and enabled the identification and prosecution of the wrongdoers. This is worse than blaming the postman for hate mail. It's like blaming the neighbor because...
  4. N

    Psion Claims "netBook" Trademark; Google Abides

    This sets up an interesting dispute. According to the PTO's trademark database "TESS," Micro-Star International has also been granted a registration for "Wind Netbook," and Coby Electronics Corp. has been granted registration for "Coby Netbook," and those registrations are for use on portable...