Recent content by nolimits76

  1. nolimits76

    Thin/Light Laptop for Architecture and Gaming - ~2000 €

    I suspect many folks won't have a clue about the software you mentioned. I am in construction management and frequently deal with architects, engineers and various related software. I recognized a few products. Some I had to look up. I am not certain the specific laptop to recommend for you...
  2. nolimits76

    T460s VS X1 Carbon

    Totally unrelated to your actual question, but I see both laptops are IBM/Lenova. I will be the first to admit that it has been a long while since I used a ThinkPad (4-5 years). One of the major complaints I had with these machines was their trackpad and that stupid stick. Looking at both...
  3. nolimits76

    Is the 20-80% rule true?

    I've never used the 80/20 rule for my MBP and had no real issues. The battery has weakened a little over 5+ years but is still very, very good (8+ hours working, more on standby).
  4. nolimits76

    Good purchase upgrade?

    I don't have any great solutions for you, but I would re-think the Chromebook. My issue is I hate how it forces you to depend on Google. As we all know, Google collects tons of personal data on their "free services". If you use Google for everything already, it's a moot point. For those...
  5. nolimits76

    Buy now, or wait?

    When the new models arrive, of course they will have more features/power than the previous generation. Will it be significant? Doubtful, but time will tell. I don't keep up w/ the rumor sites. I do know when the 2016's arrive, the 2015's will be marked down. They always have. But it's...
  6. nolimits76

    Sales Tax - Purchasing Online

    If the vendor doesn't tax you, then it's up to you to be honest w/ Uncle Sam when you do your taxes and pay the taxes then. Same deal with buying stuff off Amazon or any other website.
  7. nolimits76

    Is buying a 2011 MacBook Pro worth it in 2016?

    Maybe, depends on the price. FYI, you do know Apple sells what I call the "legacy" MBP starting at $1099 on their website? Or $999 on the Education Store, if that applies to you. This will essentially give you 2011 specs or better, ability to upgrade RAM and hard drive later on if you want...
  8. nolimits76

    New MacBook (base model) enough for my needs?

    Is this what I call the "legacy" MBP? Listed for $1099 on the Apple site and one of the last survivors that has USER upgradeability for RAM and HDD/SSD's? If so, yes. It's essentially what I am typing on now. Except newer. Mine is a Late 2011 MBP and kicking just fine. I do more with...
  9. nolimits76

    Looking for a laptop for school with AMAZING battery life and decent specs...HELP!

    You mentioned you were in school. You do know Apple has an Education Store? Roughly, you save $100-200 (dependent on final purchase price) + you get a free set of $300 Beats earphones. FYI, I configured a 13.3" MBP w/ i7, 512gb SSD & 16gb RAM and it had a $150 discount + the $300 Beats...
  10. nolimits76

    Looking for a laptop for school with AMAZING battery life and decent specs...HELP!

    The entry level MBP comes with 128gb SSD. Also, it might be worth noting their SSD's seem to perform better than some competitors. And if you outgrow the 128gb, you could upgrade per the link I provided you earlier. It's just the RAM you need to purchase now because it's soldered and you...
  11. nolimits76

    Looking for a laptop for school with AMAZING battery life and decent specs...HELP!

    I love my 13.3" MBP. Mine is a Late 2011 model and doesn't feature the retina display. That part would be nice. The thing I love about mine is the build quality (5+ years old and still going strong -- I anticipate I could easily use another 2-3 years, maybe longer). I also love the fact I...
  12. nolimits76

    Upgrades for My Laptop

    Rock on with your bad self.
  13. nolimits76

    Upgrades for My Laptop

    LOL, the fact you have an Acer and they produced X for $Y has absolutely zero bearing on the upgrades available to your computer. I have an Apple and spent $1000 on mine. The brand and dollars spent doesn't mean squat or make it superior. Based on the Crucial details it appears your planned...