Recent content by noobe1981

  1. N

    Recalled Version of LittleBigPlanet Sells for $250 on Ebay

    Nuclear don't slump them in all together you're no better then other extremeist if you do. Their are plenty of bad people that do things in the name of relegion. Catholics, christians, etc.. All had their fair share to, and still do. Although your right I'm also tired of all this...
  2. N

    Microsoft Announces Anti-Piracy Day

    Lmao @ protecting consumers... Microsoft is just greedy hungry rich bastards. If there were no pirates the prices wouldn't drop one freaking bit and microsoft knows it. So how is this also "protecting the consumer". Game companys actually have a leg to stand on, but I'm sick and tired of...
  3. N

    Sony Halts Shipment of PS3 Game "LittleBigPlanet" for Offensive Content

    Screw that let them be offended! I'm tired of all this "I'm offended crap". If you're so offended DON'T PLAY IT, DON'T WATCH IT, DON'T LISTEN TO IT! But don't try to stop it from coming out at all. From a business stand point. I get stopping it and pulling it back as it is only one...
  4. N

    Blizzard Speaks Out on DRM

    I completely disagree agree eklipz. Say you only have two computers. Specially kids with say divorced parents. They like to keep their computers reformatted once a year. That's two things down a year. So in 3 years time you lose the game. That's bs. Of course this is only an example...
  5. N

    Microsoft Sued Over Red Ring of Death

    This happened to my brother a bit to lol. He had one dead red, and it was after warranty. Went and bought another one and the same day he bought it. It got a red ring of death. Thats just sad. This suit is stictly legit, and needed. And to two microsoft isn't getting of the market...
  6. N

    Switching to DTV Will Be Messy

    Well of coure its gonna be messy. There's plenty of ignorant, and stupid people out there. There's also plenty of people who just like to have something to whine about, and this gives them that. Then in a couple months you won't hear about it again lol.
  7. N

    Son of Democratic Tennessee State Lawmaker Indicted for Palin Hack

    I have to respond to these guys saying he should be punished. You're right he should get something. Full extent of the law no way. And unless his daddy has more pull then the candiate running for vp he just might. But crimes are not equal. People here seem to think they are. Why is my tax...
  8. N

    Son of Democratic Tennessee State Lawmaker Indicted for Palin Hack

    Linching party.... Palin should be dq'd from being vp for being so stupid, and using a non-secure email for any goverment work *wither any or not was actually harmful is besides to the point*. Good thing the kid wasn't a terrorist. People should be thanking this kid, not trying to linch him.
  9. N

    Teens Will Hate Driving with Ford's MyKey

    Honestly I see nothing wrong with this. Will to a point. Speed limit well its not gonna do much anyways. Doing 80 in a 45..well you get the point. The buckle alarm absolutely is a good thing. Sorry, but until they turn 18 it is up to the parents wither they want to go this route or not...
  10. N

    Eropean Union Says iPod Must Die

    I don't think theres anything wrong with them passing it. I think its good for consumers. I shouldn't need to take something back to the store to professionals just to have a battery change. If I can change the one in my car I should be able to change the one in my ipod. LOL
  11. N

    Christian Game Maker Discusses Possibility of a Cleaner GTA

    The one you are jumping the gun. How can we and trust me I would make fun of a guy who basically says he has no idea how they could turn gta into that type of game and still have it be fun. The only Christian or w/e else bother me are the ones that try to push their bs relegion on others. I...
  12. N

    Wal-Mart Ditches DRM

    Actually if your ipod is lost that would be a very good arguement. Although it would give them probably enough to check your computer/s, and if its clean you're probably gonna win. If your ipod *or anything* is stolen you could always be extra safe and file a report. Chance of you getting it...
  13. N

    Wal-Mart Ditches DRM

    "iTunes embeds personal information into the purchased file". Now thats the thing to do. As it actually does make since.
  14. N

    EA Sued Over Spore DRM

    Lmao WOW.. Wave you just eat the stuff EA tells you don't you? This had nothing to do with priracy in the first place. Online cd checking that had to do with piracy, and it actually worked. You can hardly find any good game and play them multiplayer unless you have a legit copy now days...
  15. N

    EA Sued Over Spore DRM

    @ Viking.. DRM in no way.. I repeat no way even makes a dent in piracy. It only hurts legit people. Spore was cracked damn near as soon as it came out. Just like all other games. They can say its all about piracy but bottom line is DRM's are directed at resellers.