Recent content by NotTechyAtAll

  1. N

    Compatible replacements for an expensive LCD screen?

    A sort of bump, sorta update. The reason the screen is so expensive is due to the screen being slim, and the brackets that keep the LCD attached to the lid are built into the screen in an odd position. Is there a way to rig a cheaper slim screen so that it would have simillarly placed brackets...
  2. N

    Compatible replacements for an expensive LCD screen?

    Edit/Note: does NOT have it, but have it priced at $89.99. It also shows specs and stuff here as well in case I mistyped/misunderstood something in the prior post:
  3. N

    Compatible replacements for an expensive LCD screen?

    So I have an ASUS U47A-BGR4, and the laptop screen was cracked (I think someone sat on my bag while it was in there). It was only across a small portion of the screen, and I could use Windows Magnifier to view what was broken, so I wasn't too stressed about it. Until I saw the price of a new...