Recent content by plushy1anthony_9_9_9

  1. P

    Laptop: Nehalem i5 or Sb/Ib i3?

    Alright, I made the switch to an ivy bridge i5 already since there were similarly priced laptops with that processor. The IGP definately ticked me off when I realized the laptop would run on some sort of GMA instead of intel HD. Still, I'd like to know the answer to my original questions in...
  2. P

    Laptop: Nehalem i5 or Sb/Ib i3?

    I can understand that for any tasks that require any sort of moderate power like games, video editing, graphic desgin, etc., bu why would that matter that much for something that's generally required little power for a long time like web browsing? Also, I know that the technology is old, but...
  3. P

    Laptop: Nehalem i5 or Sb/Ib i3? This is a laptop listing that I was considering because I had only found laptops with i3's that were above 300$, so this i5 laptop piqued my...