Recent content by Puffmanbob

  1. P

    What has your laptop survived?

    i had a friend who has a acer chrome book. awhile back, a little kid rubbed makeup all over the keyboard. We had to use a knife to pry the solid makeup off of the keys. very suprised none got into the laptop, but you can still see the marks where we had to scrape it off.
  2. P

    Which is better? ASUS ROG Laptop comparison

    memory speed does not really matter, and if your just gaming, id say the second one. the 4720hq is only a tiny bit slower than they 6700hq, and since the 970m will perform about 70% better than the 960m, the second one seems like a better deal. also, a 17.3 inch display is much more worth it...
  3. P

    8 month old MSI laptop worth

    I have a MSI ge72 apache pro-001. It has a 6700hq, 16gb of ddr4 a 970m, and a 1080p 17.3 inch screen. It also has a 128gb ssd with a 1tb 7200rpm hdd. It has a few tiny scratches on the back, and people like amazon and newegg areselling for $1499 USD right now. How much do i sell it for?