Recent content by quadcitynerd

  1. Q

    Facebook Employees Caught Giving Portal 5-Star Reviews on Amazon

    Yea this is not the only lowball thing Facebook does! This is a crooked platform and I would say anything with the Facebook brand on it is fake!
  2. Q

    Dish Hopper 3 Review: The Best Just Keeps Getting Better

    Its to bad the service does not come close to deserving this hardware. I had Dish for 6 years and now I have DirectTV which I have had now for 2 years and the difference is night and day. I will NEVER go back that that crap Dish EVER again!
  3. Q

    Best Gaming Desktops 2015 (Archive)

    I guess its nice to see these manufacturers are remaining consistent. They have been screwing people since day one and they are still screwing them. Not as bad due to the education level of people that are now smart enough to know that the ludicrous prices they used to charge are now being seen...
  4. Q

    Living with Windows 10: The Best and Worst So Far

    Cortana is nothing more than bloat that MS is using to not only slow me down but market to me. Like Toms Guide and their new website which is poluted with moving ads that distract, confuse and make browsing the site a pain, likewise MS and their new bitch Cortana are making life on the computer...
  5. Q

    AT&T Acknowledges Throttling Unlimited Users

    I have T-Mobile and they are doing the exact same thing and when they say unusable that is what they mean. Data speeds go to something comparable to .025mbps. Bull crap when they use the term unlimited on clearly marked limited use packages...
  6. Q

    Why Do People Buy Broken, Buggy Games?

    Buggy games have been the norm for years and I for one could care less. Fact is I opt to wait it out, let the early adopters pay the ludicrous prices to essentially pay to beta test and then in six months after I read current reviews if the game has proven to be properly fixed I buy it. The...
  7. Q

    Alienware Alpha Game Console Hits This Holiday for $549

    Seriously? No one is bridging the gap between desktop and console with this! The RAM limitations alone are pathetic and in this day and age it is down right an insult to even offer a desktop that can only handle 8GB of RAM. Sorry but I was expecting much more out of the Alien Ware house and for...