Recent content by qwerty45

  1. Q

    New Sony Website Jabs At Microsoft's Kinect

    Playstation Move = Glowing dildos. end of story
  2. Q

    Halo: Reach Goes Gold; New Screenshots Inside

    wasnt halo 3 supposed to be the end of the line?
  3. Q

    Supreme Court to Rule on CA Video Game Law

    Yeah... no thank you. I like my violent video games and there shouldnt be anything stopping me unless im like mentally impared.
  4. Q

    Good brand of laptop to buy for travelling use

    Do you want to game? then m11x. nuff said
  5. Q

    Ipod touch vs laptop vs netbook

    Please fill out the FAQ before asking.
  6. Q

    Is the acer 10 1 aspire netbook a good gaming laptop

    nowhere close If you want a netbook sized laptop and want to game on it, your ONLY choice is the M11x or if you want a notebook maybe 13 in, go check out the Vaio Z.