Recent content by rainmaker

  1. R

    ZIP multiple files at once, while each has its own password.

    Hello, I need to ZIP, password protect and send approximately 300 files. Every file has to have its own unique password and has to be in single archive. I have been doing it one by one which is tedious :). Do you know of any free or paid application that can do this at once, as a bulk...
  2. R

    Sending New Email message while Outlook is not running: How?

    hi, i think it is "normal" in outlook. I was searching options menu and others for settings to change that but havent found anything. so, all we can do is to get over it. Hope MS will fix it in the future Office release.
  3. R

    Sending New Email message while Outlook is not running: How?

    hi, sometimes I need to compose and send an email directly from My Computer folders, e.g. My Computer (any folder) , drop-down menu (right-click on a document I want to send---Send option---Email recipient. I write the body, address and push Send button. the message disapears but then when I run...