Recent content by rdc363

  1. rdc363

    Would YOU ever get an iPad?

    OMG, I got a 16GB one the yesterday. After I found out Netflix has a lot more shows on demand now, the idea of setting on iPad on my desk at work to watch show while I do my job really appealed to me. I must say, now that I have it, it is totally awesome for reading! I loaded about 8GB of my...
  2. rdc363

    Kaspersky or avast

    Kaspersky, last time I checked (about 6 months ago) was light years ahead of the rest. My personal preference is still Eset's Nod32. I've been using it so long, I've got a good understanding of how it functions. And when I did some research Nod32's reporting was just barely behind Kaspersky...
  3. rdc363

    Would YOU ever get an iPad?

    I've been looking for an excuse to buy one, but haven't found it yet. If I read books a lot I'd really like one. But my iPhone is fine, since I only listen to audio books and read pdf formatted papers. Now, if it were not so restricted in terms of what one could do, and had USB ports to add...
  4. rdc363

    Dell e6400 bios master password

    you can try to guess it.
  5. rdc363

    Solved! Purchase Assistance: Netbook under $350

    ^^ i think you might want to be a little more specific. To which eeePC are referring? there are dozens of eeePC models.
  6. rdc363

    Solved! Need help deciding which laptop is better

    I agree with Maziar; get a notebook with the best CPU you can. With a better CPU the notebook will be future-proofed a little longer.
  7. rdc363

    Apple or sony ?

    ^ lolz
  8. rdc363

    What is the best laptop brand?

    Since this is subjective question, I'm just going to give an opinionated answer: Apple, FTW! I love my MacBook Pro! Good hardware, with an o/s and software designed around it is the true beauty of the mac (unix is close second though). Great support and service. I've only once had a hardware...
  9. rdc363

    Fastest laptop for surfing the web

    ^^^ with video a decent display adapter is nice too. Most mid-range notebooks will suffice in playing back any flash content, and have enough RAM for tabbed browsing. I just feel a Sony Z series (one of Sony's flagship models) is overboard for what he wants to do. EDIT =...
  10. rdc363

    Apple or sony ?

    I'd say Mac, but just because I love OS X. I own two Sony Vaios and like them as well. A Mac is going to cost a little bit more for the same hardware as a Sony.
  11. rdc363

    Fastest laptop for surfing the web

    The bottle-neck when surfing the web is your Internet connection, not the laptop.
  12. rdc363

    Solved! Purchase Assistance: Netbook under $350

    I'll sell you an HP 2140 with everything you listed for $300.00 + shipping to India. By law (if this still applies) I cannot ship an O/S that uses "high-level encryption" out of the US, though. That includes all versions of Windows besides ME,98, and 95.