Recent content by Redders84

  1. R

    Please help - Setting up receiver and subwoofer as part of sim cockpit with bass shakers

    Would you mind explaining this step: "You can splice the wire speaker wires both transducers to this 2 conductor wire, keeping the plus and minus connections the same for both. Make sure that the plus and minus do not touch." Based on your recent advice, I was planning to wire them parallel...
  2. R

    Please help - Setting up receiver and subwoofer as part of sim cockpit with bass shakers

    Thank you both, I do know the wires you refer to. Do you think the PC audio (running off motherboard sound) will have enough in it for the amp to use via a 3.5 to RCA cable? Otherwise, a receiver or pc headphone amplifier/external sound card would be needed?
  3. R

    Please help - Setting up receiver and subwoofer as part of sim cockpit with bass shakers

    Hi Thank you for the response. The manual for the sub amp says that if you plug into the RCA, then the speaker wire input/outputs will not work. According to that, my only option is to plug everything through the high input speaker wire sets, or everything through the RCA plugs.
  4. R

    Please help - Setting up receiver and subwoofer as part of sim cockpit with bass shakers

    Hi I would really appreciate some know-how on the audio for my home sim cockpit set up. I purchased some aura bass shakers for immersion, and want them to play off the audio coming out of my PC. The more I look into this, the more parts I find I need... I purchased two of these...