Recent content by rjorgy23

  1. rjorgy23

    I review PCs for a living and this $300 laptop does more than an iPad for less

    Dude. This is literally such a trash article and you obviously have no idea what you are talking about. Of course this laptop is faster and can do more than a ipad...they are two ENTIRELY DIFFERENT PRODUCTS USUNG ENTIRELY DIFFERENT CHIPSETS! DUH! iPad use a SoC architecture which is smaller...
  2. rjorgy23

    News I've almost filled up my 128GB phone again — and it makes me miss microSD card slots

    Man this article is such crap. Sure you miss your sdcard but there are so many more, better options out there with these new phones now that provide much more storage space, at vastly faster speeds. You can hook up a portable ssd such as the samsung t7 using the usb c port and you get minimum...
  3. rjorgy23

    I’ve been using the PlayStation Portal for a month — here’s my verdict

    Ummm...your internet speed literally HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOUR EXPERIENCE, GAMEPLAY.... before you write a review, please make sure you know what you are talking about man. Holy crud this is horrible. The playstation portal only plays games you already own and have installed on your ps5. And...