Recent content by rotmaster

  1. R

    Installed only command line Linux Debian by MISTAKE

    I got it! I had to burn Plop boot manager on a CD, plug the usb with some OS on it in the computer and then boot from the CD. Then I would be able to boot from USB!
  2. R

    Installed only command line Linux Debian by MISTAKE

    it is an old bios... whatever boot order I do, it still boots to the linux...
  3. R

    Installed only command line Linux Debian by MISTAKE

    it says that the command is not found...
  4. R

    Installed only command line Linux Debian by MISTAKE

    Hello guys! I have here a nice compaq 6710b from HP that I wanted to recycle with Linux to give it some speed. I managed to install Debian on it, but the problem is that I screwed the installation and Debian is installed in command line ONLY, no graphical interface. I tried to install other...
  5. R

    Laptop for programming and low-end games

    Hello, I am currently looking for a 15,6'' laptop, which is not too heavy. I looked at lenovos, which is probably the brand I am going to get, because they have good prices and I love their professional build/looks. I want a laptop for programming, I will go into a certificate in programming at...
  6. R

    Looking for a mobile 15" laptop

    Hello, I currently have a strong gaming desktop to fulfill my gaming needs, but for university I need a mobile 15" laptop. I am looking for a 400-500-600$ laptop, 15" max, my bag wouldn't allow a bigger laptop. It needs a matte screen, backlit keyboard, an intel processor, to prevent overheating...
  7. R

    Looking forward to build a 1000$ laptop

    Hello, I presently have a custom-built tower (which i built getting help here, thank you all) and now I'm looking forward to build myself a custom laptop, because for my managing program in university I'm required to have a laptop. Now I have a budget of 1000$, and I want this computer to run...