Recent content by ryancloete

  1. ryancloete

    Question Water splash on Keyboard, but laptop still works, is it permanently damaged?

    Noted, thanks for the reply. As of now it has been around 30 hours since I have left it to air dry alone, would it be advisable to turn it on and continue normal use? If, all functions are operational (keyboard, screen, etc) would this laptop continue to run for a few years? -Also, would i...
  2. ryancloete

    Question Water splash on Keyboard, but laptop still works, is it permanently damaged?

    Around 12 hours ago I spilled around a quarter of a cup of water on the right side of my Lenovo Ideapad Gaming 3 that covered a little bit of the screen but mostly by keyboard. I immediately unplugged power and other peripherals but stupidly did not power off the device immediately as I was busy...