Recent content by sacre

  1. S

    FarmVille is Getting Its Own TV Show

    I hate our society. I'm moving to Finland.
  2. S

    CISPA Bill Making a Return in 2013

    The US, screams to be free then censors its internet. "Copyright" is out of control, it'll be the demise of our freedoms this copyright issue. As we can already see. There are flaws to all systems..
  3. S

    There's a $850 Quintillion Death Star Kickstarter Campaign

    bnotYou do realize if it were built the only planet in range would be earth? lmfao!
  4. S

    Rumor: PlayStation 4 Will Cost More Than $400 This Year

    I don't doubt it.. Issue is, we want these Consoles to support high graphic games.. but we don't want to spend a fortune on them.. So what do we do? We kill the PC market by making games "so-so" with graphics. Unfortunately not everyone can afford a gaming computer, so its easier to game with...
  5. S

    BlackBerry 10 Android Runtime to be Upgraded to Jelly Bean

    "70,000 apps" To me, thats still a lot. I have I think 4 apps I use on my phone... so when I see a selection of 1,000,000 or 70,000... its no difference to me.
  6. S

    Apple Awarded Design Patent For Slide-to-Unlock UI

    To be fair, they did introduce it. I don't see anything wrong with this.
  7. S

    Anon Takes Down Government Site Over Aaron Swartz's Death

    dark_wizzieWTF is wrong with you? The magnitude of punishment did not balance according to what he did! A kid dies because people are computer-phobic. He would have gotten a lighter sentence if he killed somebody.I stole a piece of candy when I was 6. Do I deserve 35 years in prision? Stop...
  8. S

    Anon Takes Down Government Site Over Aaron Swartz's Death

    "faced hacking charges" Well stop hacking peoples stuff. Its always sad to see someone take their own life, but this kid dug his own grave. Stop doing illegal shit and you'll be fine.
  9. S

    Violent Game Devs are Virtual Child Molesters, Says Politician

    "1% tax to violent video games" I hope they will pay the video game developers their money lost since pirating will go up 100%. Thank christ I live in Canada.
  10. S

    Apple's Siri Was Originally a Super Genius; for Android Too

    DarkSableUhm, sacre? No, just no. Here, watch this comparison between Siri and Google Voice. (The broadcaster is a fairly attractive woman, if that'll increase your chances of clicking the link.) [...] rmixtB9dZMI have a couple friends with the new iphone who...
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    Apple's Siri Was Originally a Super Genius; for Android Too

    Siri is pretty damn good. I use to use Microsofts voice control, had to train it and even after training many times and using it a lot it would still make such stupid mistakes. I eventually gave up on it, then out comes Siri. I thought "Oh great another one" but this one surprised me, it...
  12. S

    American Airlines Updating New Planes to Suit Modern Age

    Composites are more reliable than aluminum. Aluminum will fatigue after a while, corrode, constant maintenance is required on stressed skin structures. Whereas Composites? Still need attention, but not nearly as much. They provide the compression and expansion required on the wings and body...
  13. S

    Report: Apple to Launch a Less Expensive iPhone

    Both Apple users and Samsung users are just users of that phone. But those who bash another company - are simply fanboys/girls of their current phone brand. I am using an iphone 4S right now as my main, its quick, has a smooth interface, does what I need it to do. I don't load things on it so...
  14. S

    Consumers Using Smart TVs for Watching, Not Facebook

    I rarely watch TV anymore. Sick of the commercials, I don't want to be forced to watch 2-3 minutes of crap to get back to my show. So thankfully I can watch movies on demand at a click of a button, same with TV shows, everything. Its a glorious thing.
  15. S

    Microsoft Says Google is Blocking Windows Phone YouTube App

    Bullshit move on Googles move. I enjoy Google, but if they're going to screw customers over because "You didn't buy OUR products" then a big middle finger to you bud. Don't screw with customers to get at your competitor.