Recent content by scifi9000

  1. S

    Samsung's 55-inch OLED to Launch Before End of Year

    Is everyone missing the point that this is OLED??? This is like the holy grail of picture quality and you are dissing it??? This screen will look better at 720p than a standart LCD will look at 2160p because the colours and blacks will be insane.... get with the program
  2. S

    iBamboo Speaker Amplifies Sound Without Using Electricity

    guys, learn about resonant frequencies. Residual resonance from the wall of the bamboo adds to the sound as it comes out giving an additive affect tah actually does result in more deciBells. Speaker cabinet makers have been trying to supress resonant frequencies for years to kep the signal as...
  3. S

    Move Over High-Definition, Here's Ultra-Definition

    how the hell would you ever transmit that sort of resolution over the air for TV, hell even cable would struggle. It's fine to have the screen, but you would be all dressed up and nowhere to go.
  4. S

    LimeWire Resurrected, Supposedly Works Better

    There are fools who actually believe that every song/game downloaded equates to money lost... rubbish I say, I buy most of my stuff and pirate a minority of my stuff. I can tell you now that the mojority of the stuff i pirate i would have never bought if I didn't get it free. I have purchased...
  5. S

    More Desserts: Android 4.0 to be Called Ice Cream

    Wait... Android 3 by Christmas? I'm behind the times here. Is this for all Android compatible devices or just for tablets?
  6. S

    TDK Reveals 1TB Optical Disc; Blu-ray Frowns

    Yes, disks are old and redundant now, but what are they going to sell media on? micro SD? Not likely given the ease of copying contents. Or maybe everything will just go on-line and no more shop fronts for movies etc? I guess rentals will go on-line too. Here in Australia though, broadband...
  7. S

    Teen Jailed for Refusing to Give Up His Password

    What if he's simply storing something extremely personal or embarrassing but not necessarily illegal? He has a right to protect his own things. If they find proof of child porn, then string him up by the testicles sure, but you need proof, not guilt by assumption. Arn't we supposd to be...
  8. S

    Nintendo Discusses Actual 3DS Hardware Specs

    the unit in the pic looks a lot sleeker than the one we have seen thus far!
  9. S

    Six-Limbed NASA Robot Does the Moves

    Johnny_5, your saving grace is that you admit to benefit from R&D! But as for your comment of very low yield.... very small mind my friend!
  10. S

    Simply the Best Earphone Packaging Ever

    fine, but guess who pays for this artistic stuff... all i want is top quality sound, comfort and build quality.. the rest I don't want to pay for.
  11. S

    DARPA to Turn Humans into Batteries

    Why oh why didn't I take the OTHER pill??
  12. S

    NASA to Send ''Robonauts'' to Moon by 2013

    c'mon, let's just get out there. Stop bitching and moaning at progress.. u keep bitching.. interest keeps falling... Yes, ppl like us have an impact in the scheme of things.. sad I know.. but true
  13. S

    Solar-Powered Plane Flies Even at Night

    what fool bags a breakthrough? A troll that's what fool!