Recent content by sirfelgar

  1. S

    Which 2.1 or 2.0 Computer Speaker System for under $100?

    I ended up getting the Mackie CR3s. I managed to listen to them at a Sam Ash store near me. Also heard the Samson BT3s, but the Mackies were clearly superior in all aspects. Thanks for the responses!
  2. S

    Which 2.1 or 2.0 Computer Speaker System for under $100?

    My old 15 year old Monsoon 2.1 MH-500 system finally has given up the ghost and has turned into a static mess. Really liked those speakers, too. Wish there were a way to keep them... In any case, I'm in the market for a 2.0 or 2.1 system for my Mac Pro with a pretty hard limit of $100. Also...