Recent content by Slaking_97

  1. S

    NVIDIA 950m Lagging and Stuttering

    Ok i found the solution for my stuttering problem. I just followed the instructions you gave me about lowering max CPU usage to 99%, and it looks like it works perfectly. I have no more stutter and i can finally run games like GTA V at 40 fps and more on High settings (and some Very High). Also...
  2. S

    NVIDIA 950m Lagging and Stuttering

    Hi guys, I also have the same problem with an Asus i7 4720HQ, 16gb ram, gtx 950m. I'm experimenting stuttering with almost every game, but i managed to "solve" this problem underclocking the gpu clock and memory speed with MSI afterburner. With underclock it's more stable but it still has some...