Recent content by sllove62

  1. S

    Hearing Aid integration

    thank you
  2. S

    Hearing Aid integration

    I grieve the loss of my Galaxy smartphone. I switched to an iPhone simply because it connects via blue tooth to my hearing aids, without an auxiliary device. Does anyone know if Samsung is ever going to provide that programming? I would love to switch back to Galaxy. Stan
  3. S

    iPhone Updates

    MERGED QUESTION Question from sllove62 : "iPhone Slow down" Going forward, how can I have confidence in Apple updates to my iPhone? I would have preferred to just replace the battery periodically, or select performance options, instead of having Apple manipulate my software to slow me down...
  4. S

    iPhone Updates

    How can we ever again trust an iPhone update? I would rather replace the battery periodically than have Apple manipulate my speed because batteries degrade. Here I blindly thought the updates were a good thing, and just allowed them. Are they doing the same thing to our MacBook Pro, though...