Recent content by Slobogob

  1. Slobogob

    iPhone Apps Gone Wrong

    What was this article all about? It had about as much useful information as the average commercial. Well, maybe i should order my own apple device. I heard you get discounts if you get redirected from
  2. Slobogob

    iPhone DRM App Claims It Can Stop All Pirates

    It's all just marketing. The whole challenge is a ruse to get some attention. Once it gets cracked it will get even more and that won't even harm the sales since most copyprotections that have been cracked are still being sold. The most curious thing is, that the hardware companies and to a...
  3. Slobogob

    Insiders Say Intel to Build PlayStation 4 GPU

    Charlie Demerjiana The second i read it, i knew all of this was just speculation. Junk.
  4. Slobogob

    The Media Frenzy Surrounding Steve Jobs' Health

    They did the same thing with John Paul II when he got sick. I'm not even religious but there was no escaping the daily "news" or updates on how well the pope was. I'm 100% certain some tv station is updating the density-of-Steve-Jobs-feces hourly. I don't know who cares and so called...
  5. Slobogob

    Stardock Investigates Non-Intrusive Solution to DRM

    Why settle for steam if Stardock may come up with something even better? Currently most DRM solutions have lost their function as they don't protect software from being copied anymore, but gained the ability to prohibit software from being properly used.
  6. Slobogob

    Which one is better for laptop performance: Geforce 9500m or ATI 3650?

    There are two different 9500m models. One is labeled "G" and one "GS". 1. Nvidia 9500 GS 2. AMD 3650 3. Nvidia 9500 G The GS should be as fast, if not a little faster, than a 8600GT. A decent card for team fortress, but not that good for crysis.
  7. Slobogob

    NVIDIA And AMD Vs. Intel: A New Graphics War Emerges That Should Have Been Avoid

    @JayDog/greenmachineiijh GPUs are quite parallel - more so than any current CPU now or coming up for the next few years.