Recent content by slofat1

  1. S

    IBM Has Laid Off Over 3,000 Workers; Union Reacts

    at last a company that knows what they are in business to do.. I paid dues into a union and its a scam run by crocks trying to steal from employees. I must just buy me some IBM stock.
  2. S

    WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Denied Bail

    This reads just like 1984. This guy has been 100% setup by the gov't. People nod their heads like this junk is true and actually think these charges could be real. Rape charges, come on this is unreal insane bogus. People have the right to free press.. this is gov't trying to be in...
  3. S

    WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Denied Bail

    Big Brother is Watching
  4. S

    Yahoo!'s Carol Bartz Named 'Most Overpaid' CEO

    take a look at yahoo's stock price movement after the market closed, its up 13%, that means someone wants to buy it, likely to cut this gal and get some savings going.
  5. S

    Yahoo!'s Carol Bartz Named 'Most Overpaid' CEO

    unreal. This company net income was 418MM in 2008, that like paying this old bag 1/8 of the entire companies net, unreal.
  6. S

    Think the 3DS is Expensive? Blame E3 Attendees

    what are they smoking. Don't they know half the folks are out of work or trying to make their mortgage payments, this is the great depression part II. 300 bucks, my god. you could buy 30-50 brand new books on amazon.