Recent content by SMR

  1. S

    Blockbuster's 99 Cent Rentals; Yawn

    It can't be unlimited.. The postal costs would add up too quickly. Where I am from, it costs at least 50 cents to mail something, so 19 DVD's later, Netflix is taking a loss (actually, since they give you a return envelope, it costs double). So you will be throttled heavily if you order too...
  2. S

    Gamestop expects Wii shortages

    DeadlyPredatorComplete capitalist bullshit... I know people who work at IBM bromont where they manufacture Wii chips. Theses chips are inexpensive, very simple and quick to make and they have plenty of them in stock... Nintendo is controlling the offer to increase prices and make a lot of $$$...
  3. S

    Yahoo! Revamps Calender After 10 Years

    I swear it is spelled Calendar not Calender. A calender is a machine in which cloth, paper, or the like, is smoothed, glazed, etc., by pressing between rotating cylinders (according to