Recent content by smuggl3r

  1. S

    Is Bethesda Working on a Fallout TV Show?

    I would love a Fallout TV show. But please don't make it an anime. Most of the Fallout fans are not kids.
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    Mozilla Urging Developers to Build Apps For Firefox OS

    Mozilla is not Google. They are not big enough to create a whole ecosystem. They will fail.
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    Report: 38 Million Americans Have Shopped From the Toilet

    Very useful and informative content. The quality of articles at Tom's Hardware are at an all time high!
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    Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Coming to iOS and Android

    Good luck controlling the rc helicopter with the touch-pad. NIGHTMARE!!!
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    Rumor: Comcast Prepping 305Mbps Broadband Tier

    spectrewindEven if I run two instances of Netflix and keep eMule running on my file server and keep pulling down garbage, along with, I dunno, PlayOn, pull down a copy of BackTrack5R2, LinuxMint, Mandriva, and other ISOs, Couple of WinXP/Vista/7 OS buids + patching for neighbors...I'm still not...
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    Social News Site Digg Sells to Betaworks for Undisclosed Sum

    It was sold for 500.000$. But a few years ago it was valued at 200.000.000$, but then V4.0 came.
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    Valve Won't Change Business Model Despite European Ruling

    Selling used steam games would be the last nail in PC gaming's coffin: big revenue loss for the game developers, not worth it for them to develop for the PC anymore.
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    Sony Buys Cloud-gaming Service Gaikai for $380 Million

    DroKingLOL you cannot be serious... either you are a PR for cloud companies or just flat out a person who doesnt understand the difference between cloud and local benefits. The only benefits local has over the cloud is because of the internet connection of users. America is a 3rd world country...
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    Sony Buys Cloud-gaming Service Gaikai for $380 Million

    The first game with photorealistic graphics will be played on the CLOUD, not on the PC or console. You cant compare the hardware power of the cloud to the PC or the console.
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    OnLive Unveils iPad/Android Tablet App, Controller

    lol at all the butthurt americans complaining about caps. I pay 15$/month for 100mbit uncapped internet in europe :D