Recent content by Socialdisorder

  1. Socialdisorder

    Microsoft to Offer New Win7 Users Win8 Pro Upgrade at $15

    Didn't Windows 7 just come out......haha What are we Call of Duty Windows now!?!
  2. Socialdisorder

    Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Speaks Out Against SOPA

    Actually Facebook took their stance long before the majority of the public even knew what SOPA/PIPA was. And he also did the right thing by not taking down facebook. Why on earth would you want to censor over 500 million users, so they can express their concern and negativity towards the bill...
  3. Socialdisorder

    Sony Details SOE Compensation Package

    PSN is live now!
  4. Socialdisorder

    The World's Safest Browser: BitBox

    The worlds safest browser, is one left closed.
  5. Socialdisorder

    Palm is Trying to Sell Itself

    I would say RIM. Its better to acquire the competition than fight it.
  6. Socialdisorder

    Golden Coffin Has Built-In Cell Phone

    "Were sorry, but the party you are trying to reach is DEAD" Please hang up and try again.. Error 666
  7. Socialdisorder

    Blockbuster Closing 500 More Locations, Optimistic

    That's to bad. It sucks that people are going to loose there jobs, but the company failed to improve there position in the market. When you have $1 rentals everywhere, and netflix doing instant streaming. It is hard to compete.
  8. Socialdisorder

    Report: FBI Raids 3 Toyota Plants in Detroit

    Man, that sucks. I don't remember Firestone ever getting this much attention, and their faulty tires actually killed more than 2 people.