Recent content by songemu

  1. S

    Foldit Gamers Come Up With Scientific Strategies

    Aw, I thought SGU had 1 good episode first season, and maybe 3-4 second season. Anyways... yea. Human intuition. Still can't match it with a computer yet.
  2. S

    HTC Tells Apple to Compete and Stop Complaining

    I can't side with either company fully. In some respects, Apple might be a dick, "stifling" other companies... but at the same time... they have that patent for a reason.
  3. S

    Angry Birds Cookbook for Egg Lovers On the Way

    Lul, paper format. Just make it an iOS/Android app and be done with it.
  4. S

    RIM Stocks Take a Hit After iMessage Unveiling

    Why wouldn't it be free... Facetime is free. Email is free. IM clients are free. Just say it's free already so the BB ship can sink a little lower. Officially.
  5. S

    MW3 Deemed Ultra-Violent Based on London Clip

    Honestly, I'm not one to pick a fight, but those people are bonafide pussies. Did we (America) ban Crysis 2 because it depicted NYC in ruins? "Oh no, the TRAGEDY!" Memories of 9/11? Sure, there's a relation. But get the F* over it. Are video game companies supposed to invent a new planet Earth...
  6. S

    iPad 2 Has Samsung Reconsidering 10'' Tab Price

    GOOD RIDDANCE. Market pressures = customers win.
  7. S

    Does the Death Grip Kill the Verizon iPhone Too?

    Anandtech's review is far more in-depth and useful... At least he actually measure the dB drop. It's reduced from the original iPhone 4, and reasonable compared to that or other smartphones.
  8. S

    GSM Palm Pre 2 Now Available from Dell for $450

    I'd like to see this fail. Hard. Vendors need to learn to stop releasing the most mediocre hardware ever.
  9. S

    Verizon Doesn't Think $600 Galaxy Tab is Pricey

    Telecom companies have spoiled people by subsidizing absolutely everything. Your smartphone costs $500. A $600 a tablet isn't unreasonable at all. But for that price, I'd rather wait out the iPad 2.
  10. S

    Town Uses Google Earth to Look for Illegal Pools

    anyone who thinks that anything out of view of the street is private is an idiot. Would you walk outside naked, even if you had a fenced in backyard? No! Your neighbors might see you without breaking the law. That helicopter flying overhead can see you. The satellites can see you. If you expect...
  11. S

    iPhone 4 Coming to T-Mobile This Week?

    alone in it's little CDMA world.
  12. S

    U.S. Senator Writes Letter to Jobs About iPhone 4

    While I admit that Apple hasn't handled this issue well, the only reason Schumer gives a damn is because it's high profile. If a company like Nokia had (has) done it, no one would care. They'd just buy a different phone.