Recent content by spartanii

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    Sumo Wrestlers Find the iPad 'Finger-compatible'

    TommySchYou can replace the term sumo wrestler by 1/3 of the American population. Now I see why they sold so many iMagical devices! usersnameThen there's the other 1/3 who simply confuse the iPad with food. mavroxurAnd then there's you two idiots who generalize an entire country. He mavroxur...
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    10-year-old Caught Playing Dead On Street View

    All I can say is people suck
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    TorrentReactor Buys Town, Gives It Free Internet

    Dispite the fact tha they only make $42 a year the cost of living in that region is problably cheap not to metion most of there own supplys and goods are problably made by hand by the towns people so they can manage just fine with out this help. This will problably make things worse for them in...
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    Feds Abused Privacy by Storing Body Scan Images

    warezmeFrom someone who fought in those wars, I disagree. There should be a reason for me or anyone else to be taking up arms and laying our lives. That reason is to protect your rights or we just become a war mongering fascist state. No he rather sacrifice all his rights so that we can win a...
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    Feds Abused Privacy by Storing Body Scan Images

    maximizaAll this goverment can do is print and spend money and keep naked pictures of its citizens. Implosion immenent. LOL, I laugh because its true and because Ive gone MAD!
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    Samsung Files Patent for Double-sided Tablet

    I dont see the point of having another screen unless you wanted to play a game of battleship or somthing. but i could see the point of having another touch sensitve control on the back to maybe eliminate unintended input to where you have to touch both sides to active controls or to maybe "grab"...
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    Microsoft Teases 'Flat and Touchy' Hardware

    back_by_demandXbox mobile? A hand held, the xbox 180. That would be crazy but very unlikely since I havent heard a peep about it or plans for one. Screw it im going all in on handheld because if it is I will get the highest payout since it has the worst odds.
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    Feds Abused Privacy by Storing Body Scan Images

    Why store them? What good would it do? I think thats the most important question, theres has got to be a good reason...maybe they are creating profiles on everyone and are including body scans in them along with all your other personal imformation. One go as far to say maybe they are developing...
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    This is What the Xbox 360 S Overheat Looks Like

    The xbox 360 is a worth while console and always has been, peoples lack of respect for there equipment is how things break. I will admit there were some problems with some of the earlier xbox 360s but people act like if you bought one you might was well throw it in the trash. I still have a...
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    Sony: We're Not Arrogant; Apple is Arrogant!

    I use both PCs and many times do i have to say it MACs work better with less problems then PCs but MAC doest allow for the same kind of public creative imput that that PC gets. As a result the PC is more prone to failures crashes gitches and compatabilty issues. Not to say these...
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    Hackers Use Google to Break Into Palin's Email Account

    by they i mean republicans
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    Hackers Use Google to Break Into Palin's Email Account

    seriously what have the republicans done in the past 8 years to improve our country, can anyone think of one? if you say no child left behind act ur a fool and have no idea how it you know how much money we have spent on the iraq war? 530 billion dollars..look it up, money that could...
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    Hackers Use Google to Break Into Palin's Email Account

    pereira5375 ya it was illegal and ya it is a shame when it happens to average joes but you have to understand that we the american people have been lied to and decieved by the republican party for the past 8 years...they have been pulling illegal crap for years and dont get caught or charged or...