Recent content by sublifer

  1. sublifer

    Apple Announces Apple TV, Three New iPods Designs, Social Network in iTunes

    I bet the new apple tv stutters on high-def content.
  2. sublifer

    Best Buy Now Accepting Used Games Trade-ins

    Doesn't take PC games.... :(
  3. sublifer

    Man Watches Burglars Raid Home via iPhone

    You really ended this article sounding like an infomercial... That said, I wish I had the security system that I could take advantage of something like this...
  4. sublifer

    Mozilla: 10-minute ''Private Browsing'' Spikes Common Occurrence At Lunchtimes

    How and WHY is Mozilla tracking the usage of private browsing??? Its not so private if its being tracked now is it?
  5. sublifer

    Salts Used for 24-Hour Solar Energy Generation

    This is old news. Very cool stuff though and I'm glad to see it getting some exposure. I've thought about trying this tech on a personal scale to get myself off the grid :) Oh, here is a patent that was filed in 2006 for the tech and I'm sure its older than that...
  6. sublifer

    Verizon's New ''Unlimited'' Plans for Select Users

    If this is for unlimited, then why are there tiers with an indicated minute limit???
  7. sublifer

    The Chevy Volt to be Priced $41,000 (or $33,500)

    so the electric motor and all electric systems except for the batteries themselves are covered for only 3 years... HA! I can see Chevy service mechanics telling everyone that brings it in that the charging system or motor/alternator was not producing the right current and since it was at fault...
  8. sublifer

    DARPA to Turn Humans into Batteries

    And what exactly are they planning to embed in the human population?
  9. sublifer

    Smaller iPads May Hit Stores This Holiday Season

    I like the picture! ROFLMAO
  10. sublifer

    Google Puts $100M into Zynga; Google Games?

    eddieroolzHonestly we need a social networking site that was Facebook in its early days. Limited to higher education students, closed, fast and lightweight. That site I mentioned above, is really fast and lightweight. It's not limited to higher eduation but with its group based...
  11. sublifer

    Google Puts $100M into Zynga; Google Games?

    ShloaderWe need a social network for the rest of us; something just a touch less immature. what about
  12. sublifer

    San Francisco Passes Cellphone Radiation Law

    No, but If I was looking to buy and android phone and the SAR was significantly higher on one then I'd buy the one with the lower. In fact it might be interesting to see if some mfg's consistently push to the limits of legally acceptable while other might strive to engineer their products with...
  13. sublifer

    Microsoft Launches Super Glossy Xbox 360 Slim

    umm... $300 for same old xbox360 stuffed into a smaller case? no thx. xbox360 was already the oldest console platform 2 years ago. Time to bury it already.
  14. sublifer

    First 450Mbps Wireless-N Gigabit Router Out

    who'd have thought the first one would come from TRENDnet? I've always considered them a cheap "me-too" company...
  15. sublifer

    Gizmodo Editor's Devices Examined in iPhone Case

    Please do. He helped the company get up on it's feet. Now they need to let someone with some PR skills take the reigns and take Apple to the next level. (You all know I'm not an Apple fan, but this just makes sense)