Recent content by synoptic12

  1. synoptic12

    GMAIL only opens in Incognito mode

    As Stated Above 1.) Cleared cache and cookies 2.) Disk cleanup 3.) Disabled extensions 4.) Checked for harmful content 5.) Reset Browser
  2. synoptic12

    Edifier S330D *vs* Logitech Z623 *vs* Logitech Z2300 *vs* Altec Lansin

    Edifier, Logitech, and Altec Lansing subs are all "junk". The Edifier employs a magnet for shielding, as for the Logitech, it does not employ any magnet. You may think that the heavier sub is better, in which case it is not. This is merely a ploy by the manufacturer to use weight as a means of...