Recent content by T-Bone

  1. T-Bone

    Court: MegaUpload Seizure Carried Out on Wrong Paperwork

    If you break laws, you will pay the price!
  2. T-Bone

    Anonymous Strikes Back: Hits MPAA, RIAA, DoJ, More

    These hacktivists should get a minimum of 20 years and when they come out, should not be allowed near anything more advanced than a toaster! And if they violate that, life!
  3. T-Bone

    Hackers Launching Satellite to Evade Internet Censorship

    Blah blah blah. They don't have the $$ to make/purchase the satellite; they don't have the $$ to get it into orbit; they don't have the $$ to maintain it; and they need how many satellites & ground stations for coverage? Dream on. Besides, if they traffic in copyrighted material, they too would...
  4. T-Bone

    TWC Won't Fully Reveal Names of Porn Pirates

    You do realize that Evan Stone is in fact a porn star and not a lawyer, right? He's actually in the movie in question. I wonder what else Tom's got wrong?
  5. T-Bone

    FCC Passes Net Neutrality Rules

    So many ridiculous comments: "Keep the internet free..." Last I checked, it was never free! As far as I know, everyone pays for their internet access. "Allows for tired pricing..." Last I checked, it's the status quo! Let's see: you pay more $$ for more speed/density...Oh that's so wrong! Evil...
  6. T-Bone

    Sony Pulls Support for Video of Exploding Children

    Lol! In reaction to this, I think that I will increase my carbon emissions by at LEAST 10%!
  7. T-Bone

    This is Cool: The Sharpie Liquid Graphite Pencil

    I guess the question is: can they be used for multiple choice tests like #2 pencils can?
  8. T-Bone

    Apple: Jailbreak and Kiss Your Warranty Goodbye

    Well, I'll never buy one but I still think it's OK for Apple not to warranty jail-broken devices. While it may not be illegal to jail-break, it may be against the terms of use (etc.)
  9. T-Bone

    Apple: Jailbreak and Kiss Your Warranty Goodbye

    zaznetThe DMCA (US Law - Digital Millennium Copyright Act) has a stipulation that makes it illegal to circumvent copy protections on any device. It matters now how effective those protections are, just that they exist.This part of the DMCA has been under a lot of fire as it also prevents...
  10. T-Bone

    Apple: Jailbreak and Kiss Your Warranty Goodbye

    I still don't understand how it was "illegal" to jailbreak the phone to begin with?
  11. T-Bone

    Boy Kills Dad After Getting Keyboard Taken Away

    Perfect candidate for the death penalty. I hope they have it in Russia. He should be bludgeoned to death with a sledgehammer but while he's awake!
  12. T-Bone

    Apple’s Secret iPhone Dev Agreement Revealed

    This is why Apple sucks & why so many hate them. Can you imagine what the world would be like if THEY had a 90% market share of world's PCs? Thank God for Micro$oft!
  13. T-Bone

    'Avatar' Viewers Going Into Pandora Withdrawl

    Great special effects, seamless flow between cgi and actors, was surprised as to how good 3D has gotten. Movie plot was lackluster, reminiscent of Dances with Wolves but not an exact ripoff as some have mentioned. Story had heavy left-winged utopic socio-political views, but that's typical of...
  14. T-Bone

    First Person Tetris is Dizzying but Awesome

    What was the point of this article again?
  15. T-Bone

    PICTURE: How Well Do You Know Your Memes?

    as buzz words go: this is yet another "cottonelle" article from Tom's.