Recent content by t85us

  1. T

    VIDEO: Michael Bay's Transformers 3 Trailer

    is there a way to ban these spammers ?
  2. T

    School Installs Facial Recognition Tech for Roll Call

    Big brother is watching....
  3. T

    26 Keyboard Shortcuts To Memorize Today

    where is control+alt+delete or the control+shift+esc ? :-) it's really handy for M$ users :)
  4. T

    Ex-Navy Seabee Shoots iPhone 4 With .50 Cal Rifle

    awesome vid & idea! i would do the same to all apple gadgets. overpriced craps all. i'm not buying ANYTHING that is related to apple
  5. T

    Oprah Has a 'Fancy' 4G Phone That You Can't Have

    i really don't care if she does have a fancy iphone or whatsoever... i'm still using my good old SE P990i :D
  6. T

    Study: Most American Adults Flunk Basic Science

    mavroxurBasically, most American adults are idiots. LOOOOL mavroxur =)) =)) =)) =))
  7. T

    Ubuntu Gaining Popularity For Businesses

    yep, ubuntu is great, ubuntu is on my computers :D won't change it to windows ever :) it's sooooooooooooooooo good, stable, easy to use and flexible...
  8. T

    Shocking: 95 Percent Music Downloads Still Illegal

    novadays music is CRAP !!! music is all about money. what are those rap and hip-hop songs ? is that music ? all is made on computer. to pay for that ? you got to be kidding. anyone who isn't deaf and has a sound card with a mouse can "create" music. what about king crimson and pink floyd and...