Recent content by takeabreath

  1. T

    Gamergate Is About Harassment and Exclusion, Not Ethics (Op-Ed)

    Here's the thing. I'm not a "gamer," but I occasionally play video games. Two of my favorite game series are Bioshock and GTA (obviously I'm not a hardcore gamer). Obviously I expect things like scantily clad women/prostitutes and even violence towards women in the GTA series, and honestly I...
  2. T

    Gamergate Is About Harassment and Exclusion, Not Ethics (Op-Ed)

    Seriously this GamerGate thing has to be an absolute joke right? People don't actually believe this BS they are saying? Here's the thing, Anita Sarkeesian and the media aren't being "one-sided" when they start talking about problematic portrayals of women in video games, they are merely daring...