Recent content by taylor.n8

  1. T

    News Why I switched back to Apple TV after a month with the Fire TV

    I pretty much have every streamer except for Google's latest chromecast. My Apple TV is the one that I like the least. I just regret paying $180 for it. Will never do again.
  2. T

    Galaxy Note 8 Just Dropped by $250

    Again, I guess if you don't want to buy the phone on an installment plan you are screwed.
  3. T

    Apple's Face ID Can Be Fooled by Kids, Twins

    Still should have had a fingerprint reader even if it had to be on the back. That would still be better than not having one at all. It's all about options.
  4. T

    Can Google’s Pixel 2 Win You Over?

    We need to return to the GPE of the Samsung Galaxy S series or LG V30. The hardware is excellent on these devices. The bloatware and the untimely updated is what pushed me away from non Google phones. That's why I am sticking with iPhone and Google Pixel.