Recent content by td25er

  1. T

    Major League Baseball Streaming Coming to PS3

    taybThey black out games that are being aired on local TV. If you live in the area where your favorite team plays it's kind of worthless but I moved across the country from where my favorite team plays so I rarely get blackouts. It's definitely worth it. I live in OKC, and they black out...
  2. T

    Walmart: Xbox 360 Arcade & Free $100 Gift Card

    captaincharismaoh how nice they give you $100 gift certificate with it so when your looking for a replacement after 6-12 months due to it giving them the RROD then they can go back to Walmart and use the gift certificate to buy a replacement Hey genius, Microsoft has a 3-year warranty on RROD...
  3. T

    Developer Says 2-3 Years Till PS3 is Maxed Out

    There are some real winners on here..fulle..maybe you should stop puffing your chest on the internet and actually have..relations..with a woman.