Recent content by theclouds

  1. theclouds

    How's this for Gaming ?

    I'm not at all worried about the CPU. The GPU is not bad: Looking at the benchmarks at a pretty standard laptop resolution of 1366 x 768, you can expect around 30 FPS on medium settings on the bottom end. Some games you'll see 50+...
  2. theclouds

    What gaming laptop should I get? $1500 budget

    It sounds like you are looking for a desktop replacement for gaming. There is a huge market for the portable gaming market: or Some considerations: You'll be sacrificing battery life which I understand is important for laptop users. The...
  3. theclouds

    EA Sells Battlefield 3, Dead Space 3, More in Humble Bundle

    Humble Bundle gets my vote. Incredible value, and for a good cause. Even though I have the games already, I bought two bundles to gift my friends (so they could go on co-op). If this trends continues, I might not find myself preordering new titles outright....except BF4 - can't wait!
  4. theclouds

    MechWarrior Online Devs Raise $100K for Cancer Research

    Kudos to Piranha for organizing this. Not only is this a good deed but a community is built around it as well.
  5. theclouds

    What is the best automatic driver update program?

    First, to get most components and devices to simply work Windows Update does a splendid job. For performance-oriented components such as video cards where driver updates may mean the difference between stable frame rates for different gaming applications, updating the newest drivers are a...
  6. theclouds

    Microsoft Files a Patent for HMD Devices

    Getting a patent requires money...something of which Microsoft has plenty. How they choose to spend it is something else entirely...I wish Bill was back.
  7. theclouds

    Microsoft Files a Patent for HMD Devices

    Sounds like a niche cross between Oculus Rift and Google Glass. Definitely interested in seeing some prototypes.
  8. theclouds

    Getting preformance drops/overheating problem. More said in the thread.

    Have it replaced under warranty while you still have it. One year worth of dust (unless you live in the desert) is not going to result in the performance drop from heat you are describing. Personally, only take apart a laptop if there were no warranty to void/nothing to lose.
  9. theclouds

    New App Pays You to Put Ads On Your Lockscreen

    3 cents an hour isn't going to help me much, but I'm interested in donating to charity. Hopefully there is a choice to select which charity. If there are enough donors it might actually make a financial difference. I'm going to cautiously check this out.