Recent content by thederpiest

  1. T

    I need some advice about gaming headset

    Most gaming headsets at this price are not going to be good. You will probably have very bad build quality, poor sound quality, or both. If you could save up a bit more money, I could start recommending to you things that will actually be good, but at this price, you will most likely find...
  2. T

    i need to decide on a pc headset

    skull candy SLYR are also good in your price range.
  3. T

    Turtle Beach Headphones Help!

    If your boyfriends sound card is very good, not using the USB connector-thingys may actually produce better sound quality, although it may not be very noticeable with a pair of Turtle Beach headphones... If your boyfriend does not have a good sound card, then you may want to get a external DAC...
  4. T

    ASUS Xonar essence STX enough for the sennheiser hd700 headphones?

    External headphone amps and DACs are almost always better for music. A cheap solution would be the O2/ODAC. I am not familiar with the Xonar Essence STX though D:
  5. T

    50mm driver headset that works on consoles and pc?

    I do not see why you need the drivers to be 50 mm... bigger drivers does not equal better sound, and by limiting your self to only 50mm drivers you are really only hurting yourself. I will assume that the fact that you wanted 50mm diameter driver headsets means that you want a big headset, and...
  6. T

    USB Audio Card No Bass

    I would like to help, but I honestly do not know what the issue is with out a better description. Can you tell us the model of the "7.1 USB Virtual Adapter"? That being said, if it is just an issue of not enough bass, you could always use an equalizer to boost the low end frequencies. For best...
  7. T

    Need a headset or headphone

    Well that gaming headset is definitely going to suck more than the other two options. The 7506 is good and will be suitable for video editing, but not ideal for gaming. The m50s are not worth paying more for imho if your using it just for gaming. I would recommend the Audio Technica AD700...