Recent content by THEfog101

  1. T

    Parents Get Free Games From Skyrim Baby Name Challenge

    With a last name like Kellermeyer, his first name isn't that obtuse. That being said, its an original name. Not a bad thing in this day and age.
  2. T

    Mozilla Previews Firefox for Tablets

    MontezumaI will get excited when Mozilla releases this for the iPad and/or other iOS-based devices. Sure, it is nice to have that option for Android-based tablets, but my employer does not give me the option of using anything other than an iPad. Fail Employer.
  3. T

    10 Things You Need to Know About ChromeOS

    Ummm what about the Whole Premise of this being the First 'Consumer level Cloud Based OS that isn't restricted to a mobile platform' isn't unique. This thing is practically screaming unique, heck its a entirely new OS on the market, thats pretty bloody unique just by itself.
  4. T

    Android Market Now Offering Ebooks; Music Next?

    cool, i actually missed the ebook aspect when i moved from iOS to Android, now its one android as well!! Win.
  5. T

    XOOM Arrives with Unlocked Bootloader?

    This Spam is just fucking ridiculous now, the first two comments.........seriously toms?
  6. T

    Teenage Boy Murders Mother Over PlayStation

    who would kill over a PS3? thats just wrong, now a PC on the other hand....... nah im just kidding But that kid has obviously had some serious anger issues his whole life to do something this disgusting.
  7. T

    Apple to Build Biggest Ever Store in Grand Central

    I Think apple is about to blow a whole heap of cash. If its successful however, in that environment it will pay for itself after a few months.
  8. T

    Lawsuit Says Google Stole Trade Secrets

    wow, another company suing Google in the hopes of getting some of that financial pie, isn't this unusual..........
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    Google Has an App to Turn You Into an Android

    i think its great! Nice to see Google is doing more than pumping out fart apps and Icons that look like they were manufactured by Matel........unlike some others.
  10. T

    Anonymous Hacks Security Firm Investigating It

    maybe this is a message that the governments need to sit down and talk with anonymous instead of trying to destroy them. Im sure trying to contact them wouldn't be very difficult with the amount of resources the world powers have at their disposal
  11. T

    White iPhone 4 Shelf Space Appears at Best Buy

    i am still amazed that such a simple engineering fault has caused so much hassle with releasing this bloody device.
  12. T

    Verizon iPhone Preorders Sell Out in Record Time

    otacon72Android's lead is going bye bye by the end of the month. I don't exactly like Apple but Android's lead was scewed anyway due to the fact every carrier has an Android based phone. ,,,,and people wonder why we're so far behind the rest of world in education now. Oh dont worry, Every...
  13. T

    Sony Reveals Quad-core, Touchscreen PSP2

    Customer: "Hey Guys Look at that! its a PSP2! I want to have a go" Store Owner: "Sure just let me take it off charge" (Hands PSP2 Over) Customer: "Wow! this is awesome! Wait what just happened! LOW BATTERY!!! WHY GOD WHY!!!"
  14. T

    Sorry Playboy, No Nude Girls on the iPad

    There's no nudity issue, stay tuned. /severe sarcasm
  15. T

    Calif. City Wants to Put DUI Photos on Facebook

    Maybe being named and shamed before the city that they have disrespected is the lesson that they need.