Recent content by thejimmywalter

  1. T

    Drive setup for Adobe Premiere Pro with 1 sata and 2 ssd

    Thanks for your answer. What if I add another SSD? My original intent was to use the removable 30 gig SSD for individual project files, both source and finished. This computer is dedicated to Video. The HDD is not used for personal files. I found this from an Adobe white paper: "Preferred is a...
  2. T

    Drive setup for Adobe Premiere Pro with 1 sata and 2 ssd

    I have one sata and two ssd drives, the ssd drives are 450 gb and 30 gb. What is the best setup? Can I, do I want to, put the programs on the ssd or the sata with the operating system on the sata?
  3. T

    Links are bad in Article about Internet connection sharing. Do you have good links

    I was reading this article: But the links are bad. Do you have good links?