Recent content by TheOnion

  1. TheOnion

    Wireless Carriers Now Sending Usage Warning Texts

    I have had this for almost a year on US Cellular and I must admit it is a good idea but the application of it is a bit sketchy. Some months I go over my texts and never get a warning text. Other months I go over and only get a 75% usage warning. I am supposed to get a 75% usage warning and...
  2. TheOnion

    Study: Wii Fit is Not Making Your Family More Fit

    Wii Active is a much better purchase. You will sweat your ass off doing Wii Active work outs.
  3. TheOnion

    Laptop Build Quality

    I used to have an Acer at work. Then it was replaced with a Dell which felt very cheap in comparison. In my limited opinion Acers build quality was very good.
  4. TheOnion

    MSI GX630

    You mean Acer? I could not find an ASUS with those specs, but i did find an Acer.
  5. TheOnion

    MSI GX630

    Anyone out there with a MSI laptop that can comment?
  6. TheOnion

    MSI GX630

    I am looking at the MSI GX630 laptop. Does anyone have experience with MSI laptops? The reviews on Newegg are pretty good and the price per features on this model looks very good. Let me know what you think or recommend something else if you think I am insane. Thanks...