Recent content by thething2

  1. T

    Air, Flash Finally Coming to Smartphones

    Let's see if they optimize the mobile version to not be such a resource hog.
  2. T

    Nokia's Next Gen Phone: 12MP Cam, 720p, HDMI

    Why would I want HDMI Out on my cell phone? I would never find myself using the HDMI out on a cell phone.
  3. T

    BioWare: We Can't Fix Tiny Text on Your TV

    There are also people that buy an Xbox 360 just to enjoy the new games. Playing in HD for them would be an extra or bonus. But they buy it strictly for enjoying there games.
  4. T

    BioWare: We Can't Fix Tiny Text on Your TV

    It makes me laugh when people here suggest buying a new TV or PC Monitor just because BioWare was too lazy to make the text just a bit bigger or at least put the option to change the size.