Recent content by tkgclimb

  1. tkgclimb

    Words That Google Instant Deems as Too Naughty

    Barenaked ladies, ha it's not a porn site, it's a band
  2. tkgclimb

    The HumanCar: Bedrock Hotrod, 2010 Edition

    I don't think this is supposed to be the next big leap of transportation, but a stepping stone in developmental technologies. As for saying why not buy a bike, you can't go sixty with a bike
  3. tkgclimb

    $188 is How Much the iPhone 4 Hardware is Worth

    I'm willing to bet money that most phones (even nicer ones) are sold/given away for under their respective hardware and parts cost. so 200$ for a 190$ phone (hardware only) isn't really impressive.
  4. tkgclimb

    Unlok athlon x2 5000+ to phenom fx 5000

    Nice, Only the newer athlons though, I have a athlon X2 5000, but it's old.
  5. tkgclimb

    Unlok athlon x2 5000+ to phenom fx 5000

    zipzoomfly is right but I just want to clarify that an athlon will not unlock to a phenom
  6. tkgclimb

    FBI Wants ISPs to Keep Record of Sites You Visit

    Here comes big government and there goes freedom, This is not what the USA is about, screw my security, I want to do what i want when I want as long as it doesn't infringe on someone else's right to do the same.
  7. tkgclimb

    Airport Scanner Sees Phone, Knife; Misses Bomb

    another one for German engineering
  8. tkgclimb

    9-year-old IT Wiz Says PC Games a Waste of Time

    Man At one level I feel like holy cow this kid is talented and awesome, at another level I feel like, man he's a prodigy a natural genius, doesn't even have to work at it.