Recent content by tlgriffith

  1. T

    Google play store Android Apps on a chromebook

    I recently bought an ACER Chromebook 13. I downloaded some free game apps off the google play store and had them installed. I am unable to figure out how to play the game app on the Chromebook. I have version 53 or newer. What am I missing in order to use the android apps on my Chromebook...
  2. T

    The value of an ACER chromebook 13

    I want to buy an ACER chromebook 13 off of Amazon. The only options available for purchase are Option 1: 2gb ram and HD ($180) Option 2: 2gb ram and full HD ($280) Option 3: 4gb ram and full hd ($370) I'm not sure which option would be best for me. I don't have a preference with the...
  3. T

    Help me choose!

    I'm having a difficult time choosing between three different laptops. For the most part, the hardware options and choices are similar between all three of them. All being equal with the SSD, CPU, RAM, etc, I am having a difficult time. I will be opting for the i7-6600u Each have there own...
  4. T

    Help me understand the difference in battery life

    I am thinking about purchasing a laptop. I am trying to figure out what is responsible for the huge difference in battery life between two products. At first I thought the TDP of each hardware component made a big difference but now I am wondering if it has to do with something else (i.e. the...
  5. T

    Laptop Component Power Usage and Corresponding Battery Life + M.2 Form Factor

    I've come to the conclusion there is no laptop product business on the internet which has a "true custom" laptop option. Unfortunately the limitations fall on the manufacturer and companies cater to the gamer. Oddly enough, other hardware is compatible and quite capable of being an alternative...
  6. T

    Looking to purchase a laptop that fits these requirements

    Any respectable brand but Apple i7 processor (Skylake would be awesome) 250/256 gb SSD internal primary C drive 1 TB Disk Drive 8 GB Ram - Preferably 2 Dimms of 2 x 4 gb 2133mhz (RAM up to 16GB and with lower mhz, i.e. 1600mhz is acceptable. I'm mostly looking for options that come with 2...