Recent content by Travatra

  1. T

    FPS drop?! Minecraft

    I know it way sound stupid but I want my fps to be around 300 I just want to know why it's dropping over 250 fps just when I run on it cause it shouldent be doing that
  2. T

    FPS drop?! Minecraft

    Recently got a new laptop which I was hoping to play minecraft on, I run about 300 fps when I don't move however when I walk/run around on it I drop to around40-60 it's really annoying, any suggestions what it could be Specs:(laptop)(custom) Dual core i5-4210m 8gb hyper x impact ram Nvidia...
  3. T

    Why won't I get more that 50fps on minecraft

    Does Anyone know if v sync is turned on when you first get minecraft
  4. T

    minecraft is v-sync auto turned on

    just got a new laptop and I'm wondering if v-sync is auto turned when you first get minecraft because I didn't change any settings cause I was only geting 40-50 fps so I was wondering it is was v sync
  5. T

    Why won't I get more that 50fps on minecraft

    It should be getting more that 50fps though. Considering it's called the cosmos 2 gaming laptop and I want to play mods, not sure if v sync was on or not though so that might be why
  6. T

    Why won't I get more that 50fps on minecraft

    my laptop specs Dual core i5-4210m Nvidia geforce 840m 8gb hyper x impact ram Why can't I get more than 50fps?
  7. T

    How well will k be able to run games such as minecraft or call of duty

    cosmos 2 laptop Nvidia GeForce gt840m Dual core i5-4210m 8gb hyper x impact ram
  8. T

    How well will My laptop run games such as minecraft or call of duty

    cosmos 2 laptop Nvidia GeForce gt840m Dual core i5-4210m 8gb hyper x impact
  9. T

    How much Fps will I get on mine craft

    my laptop, cosmos 2 laptop Nvidia GeForce 840m 2gb Dual core i5-4210m 8gb hyper x impact ram