Recent content by True Buie

  1. True Buie

    AT ATH-M50x vs Sennheiser HD 598 SR?

    Heyo TheOhBuddy I've had experience with both of those headphones and in my opinion the HD598sr's are the clear winner. I'm a bit of a Sennheiser nut myself, but I could actually enjoy the HD598sr's compared to the M50X's. The M50X's have a tad too much bass for me and gawd those highs. I...
  2. True Buie

    Comfortable PC headset for hot climate?

    If you're in a quiet room open-back headphone will have better sound stage and imaging (positional awareness). However if open-backs just isn't an option, I'd say go and find some velour pads and see if those will help enough. Usually you want to go either fully open or fully closed ie...
  3. True Buie

    Comfortable PC headset for hot climate?

    Heyo pris0nerr If you have the chance change out your current pleather pads with some velour pads. This will allow some more heat to escape, but as @Lutfij said it won't isolate nearly as good. The best option would probably be some open.back headphones. These kind of headphones won't isolate...
  4. True Buie

    Looking for low-mid budget gaming headphones without microphone

    Heyo Xperier Something like the Phillips SHP9500's is a solid choice at that price point. Open-back and competes way above their price-class. If open-back ain't an option, something like the Audio Technica ATH-M40X's would be good. I personally the stock pads to be a little uncomfortable and...
  5. True Buie

    Razer Kraken 7.1 V2 Great Playback in Synapse... disgusting sound/mic quality while ingame/recording...

    Heyo hcps-tomema I've never heard or used that headset, how I'd imagine as most other companies Razer is using some sort of compression to better noise isolate the microphone. However this means that the sound will suffer. My guess is that Razer is using an EQ in synapse or something to...
  6. True Buie

    Any way to make the Blue Snowball mic sound better or how to properly set it up?

    Heyo xraulb I think you're out of luck with this. Since it's a USB microphone you're not really able to change however you want your voice to sound. I don't know if some mixer-boards have the ability to actually make use of USB microphones, but that would be the option, if it's actually a...
  7. True Buie

    Solved! Speakers quiet at max volume on PC

    Heyo Swooping I'd guess that those speakers have a higher impedance than your computer can handle. Have you tried plugging an external amp into the machine? Might be your amp which is kicking the bucket. Cheers
  8. True Buie

    Solved! Any headset statcs ive tried multiple someone help!!

    Heyo stampylover05 What headset are you currently using? Are you plugging the headset directly into the computer or are you using a USB solution that came with the headset? I suspect that your amplifier/DAC is probably the problem here. Cheers
  9. True Buie

    Fix My earphones

    Heyo hassaan_2002 You want a more "striking" sound? I guess making a v-shaped EQ for the earbuds would help. The APO EQ is nice free program for this. What earphones are you using? Cheers
  10. True Buie

    Solved! So I recently bought the neewer nw-800 microphone and the sound quality is very good for the price. But I'm having trouble rec

    Heyo bolgmister What exactly is your problem? Are you unable to record the microphone? If you're using audacity the usual problem is that you'r recording on stereo, however you'll have to record in mono since you're only using one microphone. Cheers
  11. True Buie

    Hyper cloud alpha or arctis 7?

    Heyo MercyMain I personally haven't tried either of those headsets, however I know that the Cloud alphas are based on an already established headphone (Takstar Pro 80). I've used the Cloud II's a few years ago and quite liked them (Everything considered). But I'd say go for the Alphas. Cheers
  12. True Buie

    AT2020USB picking up background noise.

    Heyo TheOhBuddy Personally I own the AT2020 XLR myself and I can recognise your "problems", however this is basically what you paid for. It's condenser mic therefore it will pick up almost everything. I use a MX cherry blue switch keyboard and it's VERY audible. This is what your money went to...
  13. True Buie

    Ad700x vs Hd598 for gaming

    It will most likely stick to it. You might have to fiddle a little with the placement since it's mesh on the outside.
  14. True Buie

    Ad700x vs Hd598 for gaming

    Heyo BatNerd It's somewhat hard to compare the 2 headphones like that. There's no real margins on much better one is better than the other. Audio is very subjective so something might sound good to another one, but sound like garbage to another. I'd probably go for the AD700X's myself since I...
  15. True Buie

    Best Open-Back Headphones under $100? SR60e vs shp9500S

    Heyo zaymeistercomcast Now, I haven't tried the se60's however I will at any time put my money on the SHP9500's as good choice. I've used them beforehand and loved them. I personally feel like they sound kind of like the Sennheiser HD650's, but with a little more treble. They're like the...