Recent content by tucana

  1. T

    China's 'Porn Filter' Zaps Political Content Too

    -unknown-Hey, there's another good one, although Karl Marx is associated as being "The Father of Communism", what Marx was talking about is closer to Marxism than Communism.On another note, you identified the logical flaw in blaming Communism for the lack of free speech in China before I could...
  2. T

    China's 'Porn Filter' Zaps Political Content Too

    chaohsiangchenYou are so wrong on this from the beginning. You need to read Adam Smith and Karl Marx to understand fundamental differences of how capitalist and communist societies function. The former is about economic freedom and private ownership, which leads to demand for rule of law, and...
  3. T

    Chinese Lawyer Lobbies for Hearing Over Porn Filter

    cromMaybe someone could reverse engineer the protocol and hack into the government's monitoring system. That could be fun. there is someone doing this , see this link if you know chinese. find out that this software ain't just deliberately block some...
  4. T

    China Requiring Filters on PCs

    hei,marcusmiller360, in your mind your mam are also bitch dog and nothing more