Recent content by vabeachboy0

  1. vabeachboy0

    Google Gives Googlers Salary Raises, Cash Bonus

    rpmrushI wanna work @ Google! I wanna LIVE @ Google!
  2. vabeachboy0

    Woman Kills Child for Interrupting Farmville Game

    glue her eyes open sit her in front of farmville while tied up, then play crying baby noises and sit her in a padded room
  3. vabeachboy0

    Trapped Chilean Miners Receive Sony PSPs

    Im not trying to sound ignorant, but sending a bed frame down a 4 inch tube? How are they gonna get a mattress down to them?
  4. vabeachboy0

    TV Remote Changes the Channel When You Fart

    dont even try to watch tv on chilli night
  5. vabeachboy0

    DARPA to Turn Humans into Batteries

    i guess the energizer bunny is gonna be pissed
  6. vabeachboy0

    Huge Horn Home-Theater Speakers for Giants

    talk about an oversized hearing aid
  7. vabeachboy0

    What Lawsuit? Pirates Still Sharing Hurt Locker

    Peerblock the internet condom
  8. vabeachboy0

    App Store and iTunes Accounts Hacked

  9. vabeachboy0

    This is What's Wrong With iPhone 4's Reception

    yea... tell that to a geico caveman
  10. vabeachboy0

    Lots of People Suing Apple for iPhone 4 Reception

    how did i know this was coming XD
  11. vabeachboy0

    iPhone 4 Sells 1.7 Million Units in Three Days

    is it just me or most of these toms articles pertain to apple crap?