Recent content by Vergilangleos

  1. Vergilangleos

    8 gb ram , gtx 960 , i3 4150 ( dual core ) , how would this do for gaming and does a dual core cpu really effect performance

    first , i3 can run gta V easily and about your specs , for gpu like gtx 960 , I3 cpu is great choice and there isn't any bottleneck with that .. you can see details in this link
  2. Vergilangleos

    360 total security vs avast

    just my personal experience , in fact many of these (norton , avira , kaspersky , avast , mcAfee and ...) are in the same level in terms of detection score , no need to be worry about it
  3. Vergilangleos

    360 total security vs avast

    Avira better than both :)
  4. Vergilangleos

    What'd be the best Antivirus?

    avira free antivirus is the best free antivirus and kaspersky internrt security is best all in one protection
  5. Vergilangleos


    your gpu can't handle this game even intel desktop integrated gpus can't , your other specs are very good
  6. Vergilangleos

    can i upgrade my gpu?

    maybe you can get Alienware Amplifier for gaming with your laptop ..
  7. Vergilangleos

    grand theft auto san andreas android unplayable on samsung galaxy s4 due to lag!!

    first force close all of your background processes and free your storage to at least 5 GB , then install game in internal storage , maybe it will help
  8. Vergilangleos

    can this laptop gpu handle this game?

    nvidia 820m is better than amd but this card can't run many of AAA games without lag even on low settings
  9. Vergilangleos

    Can I run this game using these laptop specs?? HD 4400 vs gt 430

    Acer E14 that's what you got ? Right ? In link that you posted in fist post shows this model has nvidia 820m + intel HD . 820m is more powerful than 8800 series
  10. Vergilangleos

    Can I run this game using these laptop specs?? HD 4400 vs gt 430

    don't worry , your laptop has a gt 820m for gaming at will be ok intel HD will be use for daily usage and in games swith to nvidia