Recent content by w8gaming

  1. W

    Apple Patent Applications Reveal Maps Transit Directions

    another obvious idea patent? not to mention others have done this long ago.
  2. W

    Microsoft Unveils Windows 10 with New Smart Menu

    Why jump from version 8 to 10? 3 possible reasons: 1. Latest version is 8.1, which is actually supposed to mean 8+1, that is version 9 for you 2. Skipping the good version number 9 and hopefully break the good-bad-good-bad cycle. 3. Imply Windows 7 is old. Look, you are 3 numbers behind if you...
  3. W

    Buying iPhone 6? This is How Long You'll Wait

    the problem is those most vocal iphone supporters will always think Apple produces top of the line products while it actually is not the case anymore. those are die hard fans who will never see it any other way. the fact is android shipment hold over 80% market share in smartphone while iphone...
  4. W

    Apple Watch: Top 7 Features

    Samsung better doesn't fall for this and tried to replicate the watch features. Apple might turn around and release a different watch and then claim in court that this is solid proof that Samsung shameless copied them all the time.
  5. W

    Windows Store Infested with Fake Apps

    Windows store had a lot problems when it first started. For example, it did not include the number of downloads of the app. Normally I considered if number of downloads is in millions or more is a clear sign that the app is actually good and most likely not phoney. Then and the user comment...
  6. W

    Dialing for Dollars: Criminals Rob ATMs with Text Messages

    Have seen a ATM being "serviced" and catch the OS is Windows XP as well. Most likely some of the vendors who provide the ATM infrastructure has coded their software to be run on XP and sold it to the banking sector. The same vendor is in the nice position to make a lot of cash now that Microsoft...
  7. W

    Mt. Gox Bankruptcy: What Bitcoin Owners Need to Know

    The issue about bitcoins is not just unique to Mt.Gox. The problem is all the exchanges dealing with bitcoins can easily go bankcrupt at any time and cause others to lose money. These exchanges are supposed to be self-regulated as no government actually has authority over them at this point. It...
  8. W

    NASA's First Step Towards a Replicator: 3D Printing in Space

    The idea of food printing is to directly create edible food from nuitrients (which is possibly man made as well instead of extract from actual food), so that it can completely bypass the processing of farming or raising live stock. A lot of time is then saved, and there is no need for extra...
  9. W

    NASA's First Step Towards a Replicator: 3D Printing in Space

    If a part breaks down and it has no spare on the ISS, the equipment that requires the part cannot be operated until spare part arrive with the next launch. That can cause efficiency issue or even life threatening in some case. Emergency launch add costs. Workaround is to ensure there are enough...
  10. W

    Google Patents Different Patterns to Unlock Different Apps

    Well with some tech companies (you know who) starts off by abusing "non-essential patents" and use it as leverage to force competitors to exit the market or to pay a hefty fee as a "tax" while essentially doing nothing, all other tech companies have no choice but to start protecting themselves...
  11. W

    Rumored Kindle Fire HD Specs Sound Amazing

    I do not know how Android vendors can keep the price of high spec devices so low. If Microsoft still cannot wake up to the fact that Office means nothing when comparing with such a low price, high spec devices, and start offering cheap device at similar price range, they will always be a distant...
  12. W

    World of Warcraft Has Lost 600,000 Subscribers Since May

    Well, it is an old game, this is going to happen sooner or later, especially with almost every mmorpg out there has F2P model that lure away people already tired of the same old settings that has to pay subscriptions monthly. Frankly I don't think making the content hard is going to make things...
  13. W

    Apple Patents: Mobile Fingerprint Scanner

    If the concept of integrating a fingerprint scanner onto a home button can be patented, it looks like US patent office still cannot differentiate patent troll from real invention.
  14. W

    These Are the People NASA is Training to Go to Mars

    NASA never really stated that these people are going to Mars for sure. They are selected for future space exploration, which could be limited to a space station, or maybe only a near asteroid. As for those who think space mission is a waste of money, humanity has wasted more money unnecessarily...
  15. W

    Apple's Store Hits 800,000 Apps Mark

    Despite 800k of apps, there is still no video player app, free or paid, which can play everything smoothly on the ipad mini. Meanwhile, KLite in windows do it all, and it is free. Productivity? Notepad++ beat them all as far as text editing is concerned. If iPad is the future of productivity...